Bachan’s Yuzu BBQ-Glazed Octopus

Bachan’s is a family-owned company selling Japanese-style BBQ sauces that are so shoalstoppingly delicious, they’ve quickly (and justly) earned a ton of national recognition since launching in 2020. And ever since they gifted me a suite of their sauces (Original, Spicy, and Yuzu), I’ve been marinated on about a million recipes for three condiments that are best described as ‘chug-able.’ First up is my original rice bowl; both deceptively easy and demonically delicious. Soft and steamy Nishiki rice supports equal portions of sunomono cucumbers, sweet pickled ginger, crispy shallot, and the pesce de résistance, Matiz Spanish octopus, crisped in a ripping hot wok and glazed to perfection with Bachan’s sweet and citrusy yuzu offering.


• 1 cup sushi rice
• Bachan’s Yuzu BBQ sauce (to taste)
• 1 tbs high-heat neutral oil (I used avocado)
• 1 tin Matiz Spanish Octopus (drained of oil)
• sunomono pickles
• sushi-style pickled ginger
• crispy shallot
• toasted sesame seeds (to taste)

1. Rinse the rice thoroughly and get it going on stove top or your rice cooker. Meanwhile put your wok (or cast-iron skillet) on high heat until it’s smoking hot. Add your high heat neutral oil to the pan and swirl around. Add the octopus and gently toss until it begins to take on color.
2. Once it starts to sear, turn the heat to low and drain out most of the oil. Squirt in some Bachan’s and toss consistently as it reduces and a glaze begins to form. Be careful not to let it sit or it will burn. Once glazed, quickly remove pieces from the pan and set aside in bowl.
3. Once rice is cooked, split it evenly amongst two bowls, and top with a little more sauce. Then add to each bowl some sunomono, ginger, and crispy shallot to your liking.
4. Split the glazed octopus between them, give it a final drizzle of sauce and sprinkle on some toasted sesame seeds.


Serves 2


Linguine & Clams with Preserved Tunisian Lemon and Calabrian Chilis


TINS ON TOAST: Boquerones, Pickled Giner, Kari Kari Chili Crisp